Whiskerino. Fin.

Whiskerino 2009/2010
On November 1st, 2009 four hundred and eighty-four men shaved their faces clean and devoted themselves to growing beards for the duration of one hundred and twenty days. At the end of this journey, three hundred and fourty-three men stood standing; proudly embracing the growth upon their faces.
Thirty-One thousand images were submitted. Four Hundred Eighteen thousand comments were left between participants. Rap was conceived. Opera was executed. The Pose was created. Engagements were confirmed. Tattoos were emblazoned forever. Massive Throwing Down was achieved.
New lifelong friendships were established. Old ones were solidified beyond quantifiable measure.
There is no way to fully comprehend and appreciate the phenomena of Whiskerino without having experienced it first hand. For those of you who have taken the journey, thank you for making such an incredibly wonderful thing.
The Archives:
Whiskerino 2009 - 2010
Nov 1st, 2009 - Feb 28th, 2010
Whiskerino 2007 - 2008
Nov 1st, 2007 - Feb 28th, 2008
Whiskerino 2005 - 2006
Nov 2nd, 2005 - Feb 28th, 2006